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Standard Height Mainsheet Jammer - Allen
  • Standard Height Mainsheet Jammer - Allen
  • Compact Mainsheet Jammer - Allen


Mainsheet Jammer


Allen Standard Mainsheet Jammer uses their World leading cold forged bearing system which has a ball locating groove forsmooth rotation whilst preventing the lateral movement of the arm.  

  • Designed for use on both dinghies and keelboats which require a central jammer.
  • Available with or without a 60m Pro-Ratchet Block.
  • The angle and height of the cam cleat has been carefully designed to optimise mainsheet jamming and release when required.  
  • The angles of rotation canbe set to 180, 220 or 360 degrees.
  • The jammer arm angle has been carefully optimised to ensure easy cleating and uncleating when required.
  • This creates a turning force on the block and jammer, meaning that the cleat will always be forced to point away from the boom and towards the helm ensuring the rope is to hand.
  • Includes an aluminium cam cleat with mega pro-lead.

Compact Mainsheet Jammer is designed for use on both dinghies and keelboats which require a central jammer that takes up less space and has a lower cleat.